
Major / Minor

在传播艺术系, det365app引导学生欣赏以沟通为重点的博雅教育,以加强他们的个人和专业人际关系. 当学生考虑他们未来的职业生涯时,理论理解会导致实际应用, ethical leadership and intercultural knowledge. det365app教授戏剧和戏剧史、公共关系、媒体研究、 性别与妇女研究, communication ethics, play writing and directing.

除了广泛的传播艺术教育外,det365app还为学生提供专注于更具体研究领域的能力. After completing introductory courses in 沟通的艺术, det365app的专业可以选择一个重点领域,以进一步提高他们的理解和技能 Media Studies, 公共关系, or Theatre. Because of their exposure to a wide knowledge base, students gain experiences that provide historical insights, 理论素养, and practical opportunities in the communication arts, helping them forge their own identities and paths forward.



det365app的学生通过部门赞助的项目和校外实习获得额外的经验,以补充他们的课程. det365app与学生一对一合作,开发就业和实习申请, 关键研究方法, 面试最佳实践, 演讲技巧, 投资组合构建, 以及网络策略.

The W&美国公共关系学生协会(PRSSA)的J分会是一个充满活力的校园团体,学生们有兴趣与公关行业的专业人士建立联系,并学习未来的职业生涯. Students become engaged leaders and learn how to delegate, manage and create PR content for local nonprofit originations.

在剧院里, 学生的表现, design sets, stage manage, 或者通过参加学生剧团的演出来磨练他们的写作技巧. 学生工作助理为部门协调活动,并获得撰写文案和管理传播艺术社交媒体账户的经验.

Experiential learning occurs live, each day at 91.7 FM WNJR, the College’s FCC licensed noncommercial educational radio station. WNJR broadcasts 24 hours a day, featuring an eclectic format of music. 学生广播员有制作各种独立节目的自由, including talk shows on a variety of topics including sports call-in shows, 乡村音乐现场表演, 以及大学生问题. Students learn and apply skills like interviewing and recording, 哪些适用于传统广播事业,哪些适用于快速发展的广播事业, 播客的创新领域.

Because our electives and emphases are so varied, 传播艺术专业的学生可以在各种各样的组织和领域找到校外实习机会. 学生发展筹款技能, 捐赠者的关系, 运动分析, 非营利性活动策划, 司法宣传, 数字化生产, 还有网络写作. Students have interned at Ford Theatre in Washington, D.C.; MTV; CNN; the Pittsburgh Penguins; CASA; UPMC Health Plan; Mylan Pharmaceuticals; and the Washington Wild Things, 以及当地的学区.